Data Protection Policy

This Notice explains how we use information we collect, when it's shared, and your consumer rights.

Who are we?

The MIT HUB Group is made up of subsidiary companies involved in technological consultancy, design and development. Group companies include the following subsidiaries and trading names which are all covered by this statement:

      MIT Hub Ltd
      MIT Design Hub Ltd
      MIT Software Hub Ltd
      MIT Business Hub Ltd

Collection and processing of personal data

As a consultancy, we may sometimes need to collect personal information for a variety of reasons.

We need contact details (name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses) to communicate with you about your project requirements. We may also collect information about your project, including detailed specifications where necessasry to assist with the design and development process.

Data protection legislation includes that we are only allowed to collect or use your personal information if the reason to do so meets certain conditions. The exact reason will vary depending on the specific circumstances. The legal bases that we rely on are: -

- For the performance of a contract: Our agreement with you to arrange develop a project means that we may continue to use information for the life cycle of the development.

Other Personal information you may provide

Where you provide information about other individuals, such as employees or business partners, you are responsible for drawing their attention to this notice.

What other information might we collect about you?

We may obtain personal information from other sources in relation to your project. Examples include previous and current project, or products. We require all such parties to comply with data protection legislation.

If you use our websites we collect information using ‘cookies’. Further information is contained in our Cookie Policy which can be viewed at

Who do we share your information with?

In the course of a design and development project, there are a number of situations where your personal information will be shared with other parties. These include: -

      - Procuring procuts, or services from sub-contrctor
      - With third party service parties unrelated to the development, such as conformance testing and component suppliers.
      - Where we are required or permitted to do so by law or regulation, such as prevention of financial crime
      - Where we provide services in partnership with another party

Our agreements with third parties include requirements to comply with relevant data protection legislation so that your rights are maintained. We will not send your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). However, some insurers may do so and will provide details in their own Privacy Notices.


We will use your contact details to keep you up to date with industry developments and new, or emerging products that may be appropriate for you through our Newsletters. We will only send this where Regulations permit us or where we have your permission to do so. At any time you can request to no longer receive marketing communications, either by contacting us using the details below or by ‘Unsubscribing’ using the link in any marketing email.

Retaining your data

There are a number of reasons why MIT Hub may retain personal information, such an obligations to provide on going maintenance and support, to process warranty claims, or to respond to any complaint or dispute. We are sometimes contractually bound to retain information on behalf of product providers.

Where we have obtained your consent to hold personal information, we will retain it for as long as we have your consent.

Staying in control of your data

Data regulations and legislation provide you with certain rights over the personal information we hold.

You can request details of some or all of the personal information we hold about you. This is often referred to as a Subject Access request.

Where you believe personal information is no longer required you can request that it is deleted. However, we may not be able to do so if we still have a legitimate basis for keeping it, such as servicing your policy.

If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect you can ask us to correct it.

You can request a copy of personal information to be provided in a portable (electronic) format. We will endeavour to meet such requirements where the format is reasonable and in common use.

Where you have provided consent to receive marketing communications you can withdraw your consent at any time.

In addition to these, you can ask us to restrict the use of your personal data if any of the above apply, but you do not wish us to delete it.

We aim to meet any requests promptly and as fully as possible. We may contact you to further understand your requirements in order to expedite your request. In some cases, we may be prevented from completing requests for legal reasons or due to conflicting legitimate interests. If this is the case, we will explain our reasons why. There is no charge for requests for copies, amendments or deletions of personal information. However, we reserve the right to charge where requests are unreasonably frequent or excessive.

How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice or wish to make a request regarding your personal information, please contact:

      The Data Protection Manager
      MIT HUB Limited
      Unit 7 Cliffe Court, Medway City Estate
      Rochester, Kent.
      ME2 4GU

You may also email us at:

If you wish to make a complaint

If you are dissatisfied about the way we have handled your personal information and wish to complain, you should contact the Data Protection Manager using the details above. We will aim to investigate and respond promptly and will provide a written response.

If you remain dissatisfied, or believe that we are not handling personal information in compliance with appropriate laws and regulations, you are entitled to raise your complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who can be contacted at:

      Information Commissioner’s Office
      Wycliffe House
      Water Lane, Wilmslow
      Cheshire. SK9 5AF
      Last updated: 11/11/2024

+44 07543 430333

Unit 7, Cliffe Court
Medway City Estate
United Kingdom


GDPR Policy
Cookie Policy